{% extends 'MopaBootstrapBundle::base_less.html.twig' %} {% block html_tag %} {# make your site working offline with Application Cache (AppCache) http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/appcache/beginner/ #} {% endblock html_tag %} {% block head %}
{# About DNS prefetching: http://html5boilerplate.com/docs/DNS-Prefetching/ If you fetch data from other domains, add them too #} {% block dns_prefetch %} {% if dns_prefetch is defined %} {% for domain in dns_prefetch %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endblock dns_prefetch %} {# IE10 does not support plugins, such as Flash, in Metro Mode. If your site requires plugins, you can let users know that via the X-UA-Compatible meta element, which will prompt them to switch to Desktop Mode. http://html5boilerplate.com/docs/html-head/#prompt-users-to-switch-to-desktop-mode-in-ie10-metro #} {# WARNING: do not add "initial-scale=1" to viewport, breaks iOS view! https://github.com/h5bp/html5-boilerplate/issues/824 #} {% set meta_robots = '' %} {% set metatitle = '' %} {% if meta is defined %} {% if meta.description is defined %} {% endif %} {% if meta.keywords is defined %} {% endif %} {% if meta.author_name is defined %} {% endif %} {% if meta.author_url is defined and meta.author_name is defined %} {# example: href="/humans.txt" #} {% endif %} {% if meta.title is defined %} {% set metatitle = meta.title %} {% endif %} {# to be removed as HTML5 has no such tag #} {# read more about canonical urls and then decide whether enable this part or remove http://html5boilerplate.com/docs/html-head/#canonical-url #} {# Official short link, poorly supported now #} {# allow BOTs see SITEMAP #} {% if meta['sitemap'] is defined %} {% endif %} {# Feeds RSS & ATOM #} {% if meta['feed_atom'] is defined %} {% endif %} {% if meta['feed_rss'] is defined %} {% endif %} {# this should be allowed to be changed from controller scope #} {% if meta['noindex'] %} {% set meta_robots = 'noindex,' %} {% endif %} {% if meta['nofollow'] %} {% set meta_robots = meta_robots ~ 'nofollow' %} {% else %} {% set meta_robots = meta_robots ~ 'follow' %} {% endif %} {% endif %}